
I help clients learn to live with their disease.

Regardless of your diagnosis or disease severity, life changes in an instant when you are told that you have cancer. Loss of control, more questions than answers, “hurry up and wait”, disappearing friends, physical changes, a new relationship with your partner, disruptions to your children’s routines, and fear of burdening those offering support - you are not alone. A cancer diagnosis affects every aspect of a person’s life and still, there is hope. Whether you are newly diagnosed, in treatment, in remission/NED, or transitioning to end-of-life care, it would be my privilege to join your support team. Together, we can process your emotional experience with cancer. I can help you navigate the healthcare system, develop stress reduction practices, facilitate conversations with loved ones, prepare emotionally for upcoming tests and procedures, and celebrate victories of all types along the way.

“I need to feel hope, but telling me to think positively can make me feel worse.”

— Lori Hope, author of Help Me Live, Revised: 20 Things People with Cancer Want You to Know